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Laminate Bonding Service - 6471 Sunny Yellow

Laminate Bonding Service - 6471 Sunny Yellow

For over 30 years, we’ve been supplying our customers across the UK with all manner of laminated wood based sheet material products. Any laminate manufacturer available in the UK (Abet, Arpa, Egger, Formica, and Polyrey to name but a few) we can supply laminated panels bonded to any substrate of your choice - standard grade MDF, fire retardant boards (with a suitable fire retardant laminate), furniture grade chipboard, birch plywood etc.

Part of the laminating fabrication process can involve having the laminated panels cut to size / CNC machined as required.

Laminate, PVC or ABS edging applied and even post-forming can be arranged with a suitable post-forming laminate.

To help save you time, you’ll also see options in the matrix below showing the different finishes that are available for this particular colour.


Formica Fundamentals 6471 Sunny Yellow


Formica Fundamentals is a budget range manufactured in limited numbers of colours / woodgrains and metal finishes.


Polycoated as standard : No

Grade HPL/EN 438-3 HGP Horizontal General Purpose, Post forming high pressure decorative laminate (0.7mm nominal thickness)



SKU SKU2779131
Please use this option to choose the core material
Please enter here the core material you require, if it isn't an option listed above
Please enter the thickness of the core material you require
Please specify what is to be used for the balancing laminate
Please enter the colour code here, if the balancing laminate on the reverse needs to be specified
Please indicate if you require the laminated sheet material to be cut / CNC machined.
Please indicate if you require any edging applied.
Please indicate if you require any postforming
Formica Bonding Matrix Shell Please choose one, to indicate which face laminate finish you require

Formica Bonding Matrix Shell
Board Size
: *
: *
: *
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